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How to Make Money in Dead Rails

Master the art of wealth accumulation in the post-apocalyptic wasteland with our comprehensive guide to making money in Dead Rails.

From finding valuable treasures to strategic resource management, this guide covers everything you need to know to keep your train running and your arsenal stocked. Follow these proven strategies to become wealthy in the wasteland.

Key Money-Making Strategies

  • 💰Research shows that finding and selling valuable items like gold bars and jewelry is the primary income source.
  • 💰Evidence suggests players can access high-value loot by opening bank vaults, either by defeating specific zombies for codes or using dynamite.
  • 💰Turning in bandits to sheriff offices appears to provide bounty rewards, though details remain somewhat unclear.
  • 💰Resource management is crucial - players must decide whether to sell junk items or use them as fuel.
Money SourceTypical ValueWhere to Find
Gold Bars$50Trading Posts/Bank Vaults
Jewelry$30-45Houses/Bank Vaults
Bandit Bounties$20-30Sheriff's Office
Junk Items$5-15Throughout Map
Zombie Drops$5-20From Defeated Zombies

Detailed Money-Making Methods

1. Finding and Selling Valuable Items

Explore buildings and villages to find gold bars, jewelry, and other valuable items that can be sold at Trading Posts for substantial profits. Even junk items can be sold, though at lower prices, requiring players to balance whether they're more valuable as train fuel.

Pro Tip: When starting the game, you'll find a gold bar at the Trading Post worth $50. This provides excellent initial capital.

2. Cracking Bank Vaults

Villages may randomly generate banks containing vaults with high-value items. To access these vaults:

  • Defeat top hat-wearing zombies who drop vault codes
  • Alternatively, purchase dynamite ($25) to blast open vault doors

Cost Analysis: While dynamite costs $25, vault contents typically exceed $75 in value, making it a worthwhile investment when codes aren't available.

3. Collecting Bounties

Encounter bandits throughout your journey and turn them in at Sheriff's Offices for bounty rewards. This passive income source can supplement your earnings while exploring.

Note: Bandits may resist capture, so ensure you're properly armed before attempting to claim bounties.

4. Strategic Resource Management

Effective resource management is crucial for maximizing profits. The key is balancing immediate needs with long-term financial goals. Coal is essential for train operation, but expensive, while junk items can serve as alternative fuel or be sold for quick cash.

ResourcePrimary UseStrategic Decision
CoalPrimary Train FuelAlways prioritize purchasing when low
Junk ItemsSecondary Fuel/SellableSell when money needed, use as fuel otherwise
DynamiteBank Vault AccessWorth the $25 investment for vault contents
Medical SuppliesSurvival EssentialBudget $35 for Snake Oil when health is low

Visual Money-Making Guide


Step 1: Collect Valuables

Search buildings thoroughly for gold bars, jewelry and other high-value items.


Step 2: Visit Trading Posts

Sell your valuable items at Trading Posts for the best prices in the game.


Step 3: Strategic Investment

Invest your earnings in better weapons and tools to access more valuable areas.

Multiplayer Money-Making Efficiency

An often overlooked aspect is how multiplayer cooperation can dramatically increase money-making efficiency. In multiplayer sessions:

Task Division

Players can specialize in different roles - some focusing on combat to secure areas, others on exploration to find valuable items, and others on resource gathering.

Coordinated Bank Raids

Teams can efficiently clear banks - with some members handling zombies while others search for vault codes or prepare dynamite, significantly increasing profits per hour.


Railmaster's Money-Making Efficiency Chart

Profit ($)0255075Necrovirus Risk vs. RewardLowMediumHighVery HighExtremeGoldJewelryBountyJunkVaultPartsRustwater EfficiencyGold Bars ($50)Jewelry ($30-45)Bounties ($20-30)Bank Vault (High Value)Locomotive Parts ($15-25)

Comparison of money-making methods by Necrovirus risk and profit potential in Rustwater Basin

Railmaster's Conclusions and Recommendations

The most effective money-making strategy in Dead Rails combines finding and selling valuable items from Rustwater, accessing bank vaults in Necropolis Junction, collecting bounties from Marshal Jenkins, and strategic resource management. For optimal results:

  • Early game: Sell the initial gold bar from Stillwater's Crossing, prioritize Ashland Quarry coal purchases
  • Mid game: Focus on Necropolis Junction bank vaults and valuable item collection
  • Late game: Balance resource usage between locomotive fuel and sales to the Ironclad Syndicate based on needs
  • Always maintain enough funds for emergency Doc Stillwater medical supplies ($35 for Snake Oil)
  • Consider the $25 Powder Gang dynamite investment when Necropolis Junction bank vaults are available
  • Beware of Rust Riders ambushes when carrying large amounts of valuable items

Necrovirus Contamination Warning

According to Doc Stillwater's research, areas with high-value items often have increased Necrovirus contamination levels. Railmasters should exercise extreme caution when exploring the following high-risk, high-reward locations:

Necropolis Junction

Contamination Level: Extreme

Reward Potential: Very High

Home to the most dangerous Necrovirus variants and bank vaults.

Deadfall Canyon

Contamination Level: High

Reward Potential: High

Site of the original Deadfall Incident that spread the Necrovirus.

Ironclad Territory

Contamination Level: Medium

Reward Potential: Medium

Protected by Ironclad Syndicate, but contains valuable trading opportunities.

"The Necrovirus doesn't just kill - it transforms. The most valuable treasures are often guarded by those who once sought them themselves." - Doc Stillwater's Journal, Entry 42

Railmaster's Final Money-Making Tips

Locomotive Maintenance

Your locomotive is your lifeline in the wasteland. Regular maintenance using parts from Ashland Quarry ensures you won't be stranded in Necrovirus territory.

Railmaster Insight: Spending $15 on locomotive parts now can save you from a $75 rescue fee from the Ironclad Syndicate later.

Rust Riders Negotiations

While the Rust Riders are typically hostile, some Railmasters have reported success in negotiating safe passage through their territory in exchange for specific resources.

Railmaster Tactic: Offering medical supplies to Rust Rider outposts can sometimes grant you access to their hidden stashes.

Marshal Jenkins' Special Bounties

Occasionally, Marshal Jenkins posts special bounties for notorious Rust Rider leaders. These high-risk targets can yield rewards up to $100.

Railmaster Warning: Special bounty targets are often protected by multiple gang members and advanced weaponry.

Doc Stillwater's Trading Network

Doc Stillwater maintains a network of medical suppliers who will pay premium prices for specific items found in Necrovirus-contaminated areas.

Railmaster Opportunity: Necrovirus samples from Deadfall Canyon can be sold to Doc Stillwater for $40 each, but handling them carries infection risk.